I was wrong about the Steam Deck trackpads...

Click here and use code WULFFDEN for 15% off site wide I thought the Steam Deck touchpads were ugly and useless. And then everyone yelled at me... 0:00 What I said 2:00 SATISFYE 3:58 Navigating Desktop 4:31 Wii and 3DS Emulation (setup) 6:45 Some grievances 7:23 The Keyboard 7:51 Radial menus (Emulation shortcuts) 8:54 Radial menus (Custom) 11:24 How to make it better 13:12 SUBSCRIBE 🔔GET NOTIFIED: SUB! ▶️New Videos AT LEAST weekly 👕W U L F F D E N A P P A R E L 👕 ➤➤➤Support the channel! Become a sponsor: #action=sponsor • Access to Sponsor only Discord chat • Chat badge & Emot...es • Priority game time for chat multiplayer streams (whenever we do them) 🎮Twitch: 🐦Twitter [Bob]: 🐦Twitter [WulffDen]: 📸Instagram: 🔷Facebook: 💬Our Discord Server: (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ
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