World Is Mine - Miku Hatsune ( Cosplay PV )

My thoughts: it took me a long time to finish this because I had a busy schedule right after Japan Expo Sud 2011. I actually started editing the footage right after we finished but I then realized we were missing some clips and I noticed we had some bad takes. A good example would be, near the end of the video, where Kaito tries to catch Miku, our actor looks at the camera which I didn’t notice when I was reviewing the clip after the take. And because of that I was hesitant in finishing it.... And there are tons of inconsistencies in the video due to the fact we filmed 3 times and in different locations and of course having only 4 people on the team (me, our makeup artist and 2 cosplayers) and having limited time to film. Even though we had a storyboard which I prepared, it was still hard to keep track of things. Wig placement, missing parts of the costume etc... This was the first time I tried to do 2D animations on video. It was fun and I learned a lot fr
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