Freedom Convoy SHOCKER! It seems like we weren’t told the truth about these protests in Canada

The news coming out of the legal proceedings about the Freedom Convoy in Canada is very interesting to say the least. The Liberal government invoked the Emergencies Act to stop the protest. Built into the act is a legal proceeding that must be done in the aftermath in order to determine if invoking the act was necessary or not. So far the evidence is lacking that this was a necessary move by the Justin Trudeau Liberal government. In fact, internal documents reveal that the protestors were overwhelmingly peaceful. In this video, Russel Brand gives us his take on the matter and uses humor to highlight the dangerous road that western democracies are going down. Roads that could possibly lead to more dictatorial style government. Take a look at some of Russell’s other content for thoughtful discourse. #politics #culture #powerandpolitics #youtube #freespeech
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