Julia Shaw - Memory hacking: The science of learning in the 21st Century - LT17 conference

Learning and memory Following her popular presentation at the Learning Technologies Summer Forum in June, Dr Julia Shaw returns to explore the science of memory and learning further. What is it that L&D professionals must know about how our minds works to ensure memories – and learning – stick? What practices should we avoid and how can we help people help themselves to learn better? Chair: Stella Collins, Author, “Neuroscience for Learning and Development“ Memory hacking: The science of learning in the 21st Century Julia Shaw, International lecturer, scientist and author Can memory be hacked? In a turbulent overview of the rich world of the science of memory, Dr Julia Shaw will discuss the neurological, perceptual, and social aspects of memory. She’ll have you questioning all your memories, and wondering whether you actually are who you think you are, but will leave you with practical solutions as to how you can make the most of your faulty memory. In particular. Dr Julia Shaw will show how you can use technology to upgrade your memory. - Why we need to know how memory fails to understand how it works - Hacking memories for better learning outcomes. - How we can teach meta-memory to enhance learning. - Using technology to dramatically improve memory
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