For every student living on Veterans ave there’s a homeless Veteran dying on streets of Los Angeles.

Contact the OFFICE OF INSPECTOR GENERAL! 1-800-488-8244 vaoighotline@ More info, receipts and screenshots proving everything mentioned: . For every student living on Veterans ave across from the cemetery is a homeless Veteran dying in the streets of Los Angeles. We could end Veteran homelessness in Los Angeles in 1 day. Thousands of UCLA students live in buildings on 36 acres of SOLDIERS HOME aka deed restricted land that is maintained by the federal government to be a Soldiers Home permanently and in perpetuity. Anything other than a HOME for disabled and homeless Veterans violates the federal law and original intention and direction of the deeds. Veterans who served our country and give us our freedoms and rights have been used and exploited to the point I believe it’s a national emergency not just for the veterans in need but for national security. How are recruitment numbers when people see Veterans dying in the streets? Seems like Los Angeles politicians priorities are more focused on a metro purple line and mega mall on Soldiers Home than they care about ENDING VETERAN HOMELESSNESS. It’s possible. We just have to prioritize the veterans in need over UCLA. #fucla #aftpveterans #aftp #alwaysforthepeople #nhdvs #ucla
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