Miss World (1968)

No title - Miss World contest won by Miss Australia. Lyceum, London. Various shots all the Miss World contestants on the stage. M/S Miss South Africa, Mitsianna Stander and Miss Philippines, Cecelia Amabuyok. M/S as some of the girls start to walk off stage. M/S Graham Hill and Stanley Baker. C/U Richard Todd. M/S zoom in to Miss Argentina, Vivian Roldan. M/S Miss Australia, Penelope Plummer. Zoom in to Miss France, Nelly Gallerne. M/S Miss Israel, Mirey Zamir. M/S Miss Guyana, Adrienne Harris. M/S zoom in to Miss United Kingdom, Kathleen Winstanley. M/S the last 15 contestants lined up on stage. M/S pan along line Miss Argentina, Miss Australia, Miss Austria (Brigitte Kruger), Miss Colombia (Beatrice Sierra Gonzalez), Miss France, Miss Germany (Margot Schmalzriedt), Miss Guyana and Miss Ireland (June MacMahon). C/U of the girls’ legs. M/S of the last seven lined up, zoom in to Miss Nicaragua and Miss Israel. M/S as audience applaud. M/S of the winner Miss Australia, Penelope Plummer, she walks up step
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