Jump Scare 101

This is part of the opening scene of Lights Out, which is a supernatural horror movie from 2016, made by Swedish director David Sandberg. It provides one of the more effective and ingenious jump scares of the past decades’ horror genre. The entire premise of the movie has been fitted into a crystal clear visual explanation of about 30 seconds. Yes, our world is invested with demons. And when the lights are out, they can move around and get to you. So you better keep the lights on. This premise is so much focussed and threatening that it’s a miracle it hasn’t been used much more often in the horror movie industry. At the same time this basic idea is so simple that it’s hardly capable of carrying an entire movie into a satifying storyline. Maybe that’s why the Internet Movie Database gives it a mediocre 6,3 out of 10 score. Which in itself is not too bad in the horror genre. But I’d much more recommend watching the original short from 2013, also called Lights Out and also made by David Sandberg. I’d also very much recommend subscribing to David Sandberg’s Youtube channel, which is called ’Ponysmasher’. See the link below. David provides you with very interesting insights within the mind of a very creative and succesful movie director. Have fun and thanks for watching. @ponysmasher
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