Polinska Victoria - I’ll be (music by Victoria Polinska, Lyrics by Elena Rad’kova)
07/11/2016 - video by Vasili Lev
Полинская - Я вернусь (муз. Виктория Полинская, сл. Елена Радькова, аранжировка - Андрей Берлев)
Polinska - I’ll be back (music by Victoria Polinska, lyrics by Elena Rad’kova, arangment by Andrej Berlev)
1. I’m in your hands a drop of dreams
I’ll dissolve in the light, where you are.
Where my love is only for you
In a quiet song of rains, ee-her
Bridge: Tell me “wait“
For you, my track
In the morning it will be dew
And the tears of crystal will be a pity to us.
There will be sadness, we will release it again
Know, I will return and our sadness
Let our meeting and love wax
2. We are with you further, but I
I will touch the soul, gently loving
In the music of rain only for you
My image on the glass, her-her
Bridge 2: I know it’s you
I painted dreams
A gentle morning dreams ...
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