Max Cooper - Live A/V | Carlisle Church, Belfast x AVA X Red Bull ()
1. Jim Wallis - Europa - Max Cooper Remix / Video by Julius Horsthuis 00:00
2. Max Cooper - Repetition / Video by Kevin McGloughlin 05:40
3. Max Cooper - Transcendental Tree Map / Video by Martin Krzywinski and Nick Cobby 11:24
4. Max Cooper - Waves / Video by Kevin McGloughlin 18:11
5. Vessels - Everyone is Falling - Max Cooper Remix / Video by Kevin McGloughlin 23:07
6. Max Cooper - Molten Landscapes / Video by Cornus Ammonis and Morgan Beringer 28:40
7. Max Cooper - Origins / Video by RabbitHole and BlackBox
8. Max Cooper - Spike / Video by Yoshi Sodeoka 37:56
9. Nick Warren - Devil’s Elbow - Max Cooper Remix / Video by Andy Lomas 42:58
10. Max Cooper and Satirist - Grit / Video by Andy Lomas 50:03
11. Max Cooper - Order from Chaos / Video by Maxime Causeret 54:40
12. Boards of Canada - Dayvan Cowboy Rockwell - Full Circle Cirrus - Shiver Shrapnel - Woulg Remix / Video by Paul Bloomfield 59:51
13. Max Cooper - Glitch Jam / Video by Paraic McGloughlin 1:04:28
14. Henry Green - Realign - Max Cooper remix / Video by Kevin McGloughlin 1:08:14
15. Max Cooper - Swarm / Video by Kevin McGloughlin and Paraic McGloughlin 1:12:53