Beauty of An Ordinary Life | Slow Living in English Countryside in Spring | Dandelion Honey Syrup

Beautiful simple days of spring - living in the moment and taking care of myself mentally. I’ve been rethinking my life this past year and a half, leaving my city life behind and finding joy in simpler, slower life in the English countryside. It’s not like life became vastly different. It’s still busy, work still needs to be done, dreams achieved. But I’ve become different. My priorities changed. My outlook on life and what it means to be truly living had changed. I’d like to share my thoughts with you. _____ Small batch Dandelion Honey (syrup) recipe: 100g dandelion petals (this is the measurement without stems and green part) 500ml water 300g sugar 3 slices of lemon Wash dandelions thoroughly in cold water. Separate petals from the stem and a green flower base. Pour 400-500ml of water over dandelion petals, bring to a slow simmer. Add lemon slices and simmer for 10 minutes. You can go creative here and also add apple slices, ginger, other flowers you like. After 10 minutes cover with the lid, leave to cool and then put to the fridge overnight or up to 24h. Drain dandelion water through the sieve into a new pot and squeeze out the water from the remaining dandelion petals. Add 300g of sugar and bring to slow boil. Boil mixing occasionally for about 40mins to 1h. The liquid will decrease in volume, you should have about a half left in the pot as it evaporates and thickens. A good way to check if it’s ready would be to use a little cold plate where you can drip some syrup and if it rolls down slowly then it’s ready. ______ Find me on Instagram: Filmed on: Fujifilm XH2S Edited with: Premiere Pro CC Music: Epidemic Sound ________ #slowliving #cottagecore #simpleliving key words: cottagecore, slow living, simple living, ordinary life, boring life, cottage life, english cottage, mori girl, dandelion field, dandelion honey, foraging, beauty of simple life, beauty of ordinary life
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