Mess “Valged hommikud“ (“Bright Mornings“) 1975

Estonian prog rock band Mess (featuring synth wizzard Sven Grünberg) performs their song “Valged hommikud“ (“Bright Mornings“) in 1975. Mess was one of the first prog rock bands in Soviet Union, lasting only 1973 -- 1976. Leader of group was Sven Grünberg (also singer). Their special synthesizers were constructed by Härmo Härm. The line-up: Sven Grünberg - organ, synthesizers, piano, vocal Elmu Värk - guitars Matti Timmermann - bass Ivar Sipra - drums Valdek Põld - brass Härmo Härm - electronics (note his photo on synthesizer) Lepo Sumera -- recording producer Filmed by Heino Maripuu.
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