The Pilot 1984 Amazing Breakdance Short Movie feat. OZ Rock(.) Soundtrack by The Egyptian Lover

Amazing Breakdance Short Movie featuring the legendary B-Boy OZ Rock (.), Kim “Popsicle“ Delfin (.) Actresses Kelly Minter, Kelly Rich and many more. The Topnotch Soundtrack was created by the Egyptian Lover and Chris Stone. “The Pilot“ was an Afterschool Movie for TV. Amazingly niether the Film itself, nor the Soundtrack never had a regular Commercial Release... . Material! * Adolph “Oz Rock“ Alvarez was a former Dynamic Rockers & Rock Steady Crew Member and relocated from the East Coast to LA. He was maybe the most athletic and innovative Breaker at his Time. He dated the beautiful Darlene Ortiz before Rapper Ice T and was featured in various Movies like “Body Rock“, etc. and Co
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