Is Coffee good for Health? + more videos | #aumsum #kids #science #education #children

Buy AumSum Merchandise: Website: Coffee definitely has some advantages associated with it. Coffee contains caffeine, it is a stimulant, which after consumption reduces tiredness & makes us feel more alert. Coffee is also a strong source of several powerful antioxidants. Some studies have shown that coffee is linked to reduced risk of a number of diseases like Type 2 Diabetes, Parkinson’s & Alzheimer’s. But too much of something is never good for the body. Consuming too much coffee, that is. caffeine can lead to anxiety & stress. In some extreme cases, it may also lead to heart palpitations and panic attacks. Lastly, caffeine present in coffee can be very addictive. If heavy coffee drinkers try to abstain from coffee for a few days, they may experience irritation, headaches, etc.
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