TF2 - Mass A.I.

UPDATE: Look at the upload date. This was not done in SFM. I probably wouldn’t have made it in SFM anyway, thing’s buggy and frustrating. Gotta love Propane nightmares. Awesome song. Happened that I was messing around with bots when I first heard it and the thought of making this vid just popped into place. Sorry, I’m not going to explain how it works, stop asking. =P If you’re wondering how long this took me, I’d wager around three weeks of working on it on and off. It didn’t actually take that long, working on the movie and the scripts was quite enjoyable. About the donation request at the end: Manta Engie is paid for out of my pocket right now, and I’d like it if became self-sufficient. What I’m saying is that it’s unlikely that I will ask for donations again as all donations go towards maintaining the site. Song credits: Pendulum - Propane Nightmares
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