A fine feat of War: The taking of Mont St Quentin 1918 | Julian Whippy

This talk by Julian Whippy was delivered ’live’ to an online audience. After the Allied successes of 8 August 1918 there was a series of hammer blows against the retreating Germans. However, by the end of that month the assaulting forces were weakened themselves and decidedly footsore. Ahead lay the brooding hill of Mont St Quentin which commanded views of Peronne town and the Somme river valley. General John Monash, pushing his men to the limit planned an Australian assault on the Mont that would force the Germans further back to the Hindenburg line. Between 31 August and 2 September soldiers of the Australian Imperial Force showed dash, courage and persistence in capturing the Hill with its formidable dug in defence positions. Julian Whippy describes the action’s importance, which, for the 2nd Australian Division in particular is evidenced by the striking “Digger memorial” which stands proudly atop the hill today.
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