Angry Boy, 1950, part 1 American Documentary short movie. Director Alexander Hammi

A disturbed 11-year-old boy gets into all sorts of trouble in school, but things come to a head when his teacher catches him stealing money out of her purse. Angry Boy is a beautiful dramatic film about the psychological discord in a 1950’s family and its effects on a young boy. Tommy is an adorable 10 year old, full of youthful potential. But this film is not a cheesy, overly rosy postwar WWII movie, and here’s why: Tommy, loveable and perfect though he is, is a thief. Instead of condemning him, this special film takes the approach of counseling and therapy for not just Tommy, but his entire family. The roots of this family’s pain run deep – and they are slowly unearthed through diligent efforts by the Tommy, his parents, and their therapist. In addition to being an uncharacteristically sensitive and touching movie, Angry Boy was produced with an artistic flair: stirring music, deft direction, and vividly portrayed emotional. This film soars to lofty heights and treats a tender subject with the grace and
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