Страшные видео которые введут вас в заблуждение

Good luck sleeping tonight! If you love a good scare, I have got what you need. If you are someone like me — someone who is a big fan of all things scary, the internet’s eerie side may seem like a treasure trove of horror at first glance. There’s no shortage of creepy videos to watch, however, that doesn’t always mean they are all worth your time. I have analyzed the most scary videos from all the eerie corners across the internet for your viewing pleasure. These are the actual 30 scary videos that’ll make you call your mom. These videos are way too scary. For real, they are legitimately unsettling. I don’t recommend watching this nerve-wracking list of creepy videos before bed. However, if you just go ahead and watch these scary videos at night, ignoring my words like it means nothing, be prepared for what’s coming your way. Watching this scary comp won’t be easy on your psyche. Especially in the hours of darkness, they will send sheer, cold chills right up your spine. Though, if you really want to watch these scary videos at night, my advice is to buddy up! That’s what I used to do when I had something on my watchlist that I knew would scare me silly. Watching these scary videos with your friends can help you feel connected to reality. It may feel safer, especially at night, to be scared when not alone. However, the term safer is only relative. This list of creepy videos will frighten the living daylights out of you no matter how many friends you watch it with. Rationally, the existence of the paranormal should be outside of the bounds of logic. So it’s understandable that some people would strongly claim that there are no such things as ghosts. But some creepy videos beg to differ... like those included in this list of top 30 scary videos. The videos included in this list offer the kind of horror that sticks in your subconscious, inducing chills at the most unexpected moments. It goes without saying that they are not for the faint of heart. If you get scared easily, you will be skating on thin ice if you decide to watch this list. As this list contains some of the scariest videos on the internet, you shouldn’t watch them if you tend to get terrified easily. After watching this list, you will discover that life can be quite unpredictable. Done watching? That’s great! Which of these creepy videos freaked you out of your wits the most? Let me know right below in the comments! Sources: 30. 29. p_g_stories/TikTok 28. 27. SenileTomato/Reddit 26. Dkitt75/Reddit 25. 24. 23. 22. Ghost Videos/FB 21. krakieness/TikTok 20. 19. 18. TeaCourse/Reddit 17. u/drunk-and-stupid/Reddit 16. 15. 14. jmelillo165/TikTok 13. 12. 11. 10. 401paranormal/Reddit 9. r/ChillsNarrator-Aipom_and_Mimikyu 8. FlemmerVermeul/Reddit 7. Ghost Videos/FB 6. 5. KatelynHamm15513/Reddit 4. xsoulgirlx/Reddit 3. 2. 1. Music: Kevin MacLeod () jdgehlert () Entry Timestamps: 0:00 Intro 0:20 Number 30 01:35 Number 29 2:45 Number 28 3:51 Number 27 4:53 Number 26 6:36 Number 25 7:52 Number 24 8:41 Number 23 9:52 Number 22 10:48 Number 21 11:52 Number 20 13:35 Number 19 14:37 Number 18 16:16 Number 17 17:43 Number 16 18:36 Number 15 19:54 Number 14 21:26 Number 13 22:58 Number 12 24:13 Number 11 26:01 Number 10 27:00 Number 9 28:52 Number 8 30:20 Number 7 31:09 Number 6 32:22 Number 5 33:53 Number 4 35:05 Number 3 35:58 Number 2 36:35 Number 1
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