The Stomach Churning Things Nazis Did to Pregnant Women In Auschwitz

Auschwitz Women, Pregnancy, Midwife of Auschwitz The journey had been impossible. You knew from the ghetto that pregnancy was a problem. Every time the guards took roll call, eyes were scanning, leering. You knew when you arrived at the transition camp that hiding the bump on your stomach was no less a priority. What would come beyond? The chatter among campmates was that men and women were to be separated, and you stood to lose your family and protection if you were transported any further. Inside you was your child to be, a child viewed as illegal in Nazi eyes, a child that didn’t deserve to live in the eyes of your captors. What befell pregnant women in the concentration camps deserves its own rung on the ladder of human cruelty. Welcome to History on Fleek, today we examine the stomach-churning outcomes of pregnant women in Auschwitz. In today’s video we look at The Stomach-Churning Things Nazis Did to Pregnant Women In watching to see Auschwitz Women, Pregnancy and M
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