Arthur/Anne | Let myself go (Dedicated to Estaaaas)

Haha, I have quite a few Merlin/Tudor videos started and I’m not sure how this one ended up being the first one I finished, but thats ok because It was really fun to do and turned out quite well. I know this takes a dark turn, and honeslty that was never planned untill I got 3/4 of the way done with it. So, tell me what you think. Part 2? Maybe? Maybe. So this is dedicated to and inspired byEstaaaas, I dont need to explain why. We all know how talented she is. Now I know the masking is off, and that I mixed up Lord Goodwin, and Thomas Boleyn a tad. (Umm, I ment for it to make T.B, in place of L.G) opps, [If you can’t hear the audio] Godwin: “I have some exciting news. You well have the opportunity to meet the King of England.“ Uther: “Arthur! It is an exciting day.“ Arthur: “The arrival of Lord Godwin is always a cause of celebration.“ Godwin: “Anne Boleyn, to your future.“ Uther: “I hear she’s something of a beauty.“ Arthur: “Father what are you trying to say?“ Anne: “Your Majesty.“ Uther: “Godwin is a serious ally; the strength of such a match cannot be underestimated.“ Uther: “You will one day be King.“ Arthur: “But I have no feelings for her, what so ever. “ Uther: “I’d encourage you to find some.“ Godwin: “No one is going to allowed to destroy us.“ Priest: “Is it your wish Arthur to become one with this woman?“ Arthur: “It is.“ Anne: “Now my love, let me conceive and we will have a son.“ Morgana: “She’s a wonderful woman.“ Uther: “She’ll make a wonderful wife.“ Aruthr: “No, not for me anyhow.“ Anne: “You have no need to worry. There is good news all around. I am pregnant.“ Gwen: “One day you well be King of Camelot and I cannot be your Queen.“ Arthur: “You don’t know that.“ Anne: “Oh my god, what is this? What is this?“ Arthur: “I’m sorry, for what I put you threw. “ Gwen: “No. you have nothing to apologize for. I, too, have caused my fair share of hurt.“ Arthur: “I’ve never loved enough.“ Anne: “No, no no no no. My boy!“ Anne: “You have no one to blame but yourself for this. I was distressed to see you with that wench.“ Arthur: “You are nothing but a hypocrite and a liar“ Merlin: “I just saw some guards dragging Gwen into the palace.“ Arthur: “Father, you have to see reason. Guinevere has done nothing wrong“ Uther: “She well be burned at the stake“ Arthur: “I can’t watch her die.“ Anne: “Now you know the truth, you must act against him.“ Arthur: “There’s a horse waiting outside. Take it and never return to this place“ Arthur: “I will never forgive you for this.“ Anne: “At last you have your right and can do as you will“
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