MULTISUB【侠岚第七季 XiaLan Season 7】完结大合集 FULL | 玄幻武侠漫 | 2024热播动漫 | 画江湖之侠岚

欢迎订阅森宇国漫! Subscribe Now! 👆画江湖系列 12月30日起,每周三、六上午12:00更新 Update Every Wednesday & Saturday at 12:00 am (GMT 8) 👉画江湖之不良人 👉画江湖之侠岚 👉侠岚合集版 简介 丑妹是一个身世来历成谜的孤儿,在无端被卷进一桩惨剧后,只能跟随一个叫‘陌名’的男人浪迹江湖,丑妹体内所蕴含的元炁引起了一群人的关注,这群自称‘侠岚’的人,对丑妹和陌名展开了一场疯狂的搜捕。危急关头,另一群被称作‘叛境侠岚’的人——山鬼谣、千钧、碧婷、游不动、辰月,也相继加入战斗。一个被称为‘裴左统领’的人逐渐浮出水面。他的所作所为,使曾经的侠岚成了叛徒。他的所作所为,使曾经的同伴成了敌人。他的所作所为,使曾经的侠岚驻地玖宫岭变成了人间炼狱。志同道合的人们走到一起,他们一边要躲避侠岚的追捕,一边还要寻找一个消失已久的男人。这个叫‘辗迟’的男人,将决定这场战争的天平向何方倾斜。 Synopsis The Mysterious Orphan, Chou Mei, was entangled in a tragic incident and could only follow a man named ’Mo Ming’ on a journey through the martial world. The hidden power within Chou Mei caught the attention of a group of people known as ’Xia Lan,’ who relentlessly pursued her and Nameless. In a critical moment, another group called the ’Rebel Xia Lan’—Shan Guiyao, Qianjun, Bitong, Youbudong, and Chenyue—joined the battle. A figure known as ’Commander Pei Zuo’ gradually emerged, turning former Xia Lan members into traitors, making former companions become enemies, and transforming the stronghold of Xia Lan, Jiugong Ridge, into a purgatory. Like-minded individuals unite, as they evade pursuit from Xia Lan and search for a long-lost man. This man, known as ’Zhanzhi,’ will determine the balance of this war.
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