Ukraine kamikaze drones blast another Russian oil refinery as blitz continues despite US warnings

Ukraine hit yet another Russian oil refinery today in a kamikaze drone strike. The attack in Samara region is the ninth in 12 days and is aimed at damaging Vladimir Putin’s economy and military supplies. Yet the strike resulting in a major fire on Kuibyshev Oil Refinery came despite reported US warnings to Ukraine against using this tactic, since it is already leading to a rise in world oil prices due to reduced Russian supplies. Officials said there were no casualties and played down damage to the plant, 530 miles southeast of Moscow. Kuibyshev Oil Refinery, which produces seven million tons of oil per year, is owned by Russian energy giant Rosneft. Ukrainian deputy Prime Minister Olha Stefanishyna said on March 22 that Russia’s oil refineries are “absolutely legitimate targets”. Read more: ---Contents of this video —- - Fire erupts after
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