Mind Electric || Animatic || TW - Derealization+ Flashing Images + Electrocution + Blood + Needles

If there are any other trigger warnings I missed please tell me! :D ok so I’ve been dead for a while. I have no excuse other than my laptop is failing and it lags like crazy. Also I started playing Minecraft and it has consumed every last braincell I’ve been desperately holding onto. So the story here is purposely confusing to match the character it follows. The animatic follows a guy named Vino who endures a very peculiar case of DID. While I can’t go into detail on his disorder due to spoilers for Sixth, I will say that Vino isn’t a bad guy. Yes-- he totally killed two people but let’s just ignore that, they had it coming. Bonus points if you recognize the green-eyed kid. I mashed two versions of Mind Electric together first part: second part:
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