[ VALENTINE’S DAY SPECIAL ] Alistair Valdegarde - Crimson Tears

#alistairvaldegarde #independentcomposer #independentproducer Greetings! Valentine’s Day is near! Here is yet another song I composed about tragic love. Here is a short original story to accompany my composition : In the ethereal embrace of twilight’s tender grasp, there existed a love woven from the threads of fate itself, a love that danced amidst the stars and whispered promises upon the breath of the wind. In the heart of this enigmatic bond, two souls found solace in each other’s arms, their love a symphony of passion and devotion. But fate, that fickle mistress, cast her shadow upon their idyllic union. A cruel twist of destiny snatched away the beloved, leaving behind a shattered heart to bleed in solitude. With the departure of their cherished companion, the world around them dimmed, as if mourning alongside the grieving soul. As the night wept silent tears, the bereaved lover found themselves engulfed in a tempest of anguish, their sorrow cascading down cheeks stained with the hue of love’s sorrow. Each tear that fell was a lamentation, a crimson tribute to the love that once illuminated their existence. Alas, in the vast expanse of desolation, there echoed only the haunting melody of their own grief. No comforting whispers of solace reached their ears, for they were adrift in an ocean of loneliness, the shores of companionship lost to the relentless tide of despair. Even the echoes of their departed beloved, once a soothing balm to their weary soul, now faded into the void of silence, leaving behind naught but memories to haunt the hollow chambers of their heart. In the shattered fragments of their dreams, they found remnants of a love that once burned with the intensity of a thousand suns. But like fragile glass, their hopes had been cruelly shattered, scattered upon the winds of fate, never to be pieced together again. And so, in the stillness of the night, amidst the tears of scarlet, the tragic lover stood alone, a solitary figure in the vast tapestry of existence, forever haunted by the ghost of a love that once was, and a future that could never be. -------------------------- ✨ My name is Alistair Valdegarde and I am a music composer and producer. I create my music all by myself from start to finish, from composing every note and nuance, to mixing every instrument and mastering the entire track. All my music is 100% original. ✨ I never use any loops, samples or any other kind of help, I compose everything myself on my computer from scratch. ✨ I create all my music for fun and I love doing it, it is my passion! ✨ On my channel, you will find my music in the fantasy theme : medieval, epic, folk, tavern music, and much more! ✨I also love creating 3D art, scenes and landscapes. © All of the compositions and audio material are copyrighted to me, Alistair Valdegarde. All rights reserved. ⚠️IMPORTANT⚠️ : My music is heavily guarded by expert societies so no one could steal my work. I am very strict about the rules. Other than that, I live in France. I also play the guitar (acoustic and electric), the piano and the accordion. And I develop video games in the fantasy genre using the Unreal Engine. My favorite food is yummy delicious super terrific mushroom dinner with yummy chicken. My social media : 🌲Instagram : ⚠️IMPORTANT : USAGE OF MY COMPOSITIONS⚠️ ❌ You cannot use this track on your videos, music, tracks, or any project without asking me ❌ You cannot use this track for commercial or non-commercial projects without my consent ❌ You cannot use my compositions, tracks, productions in any form in any type of your own creations ✅ You need to email me : alistairvaldegarde@ for enquiries
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