WATERLOO (1970 film) Victory - Two Steps From Hell

Scenes from the epic 1970 film WATERLOO featuring Rod Steiger as Napoleon, Christopher Plummer as the Duke of Wellington and directed by Sergei Bondarchuk. The video is dramatically set to the song “Victory“ by Two Steps From Hell. The 1970 Soviet/Italian movie tells the story of the battle of Waterloo in June 1815 and the film was famous for its extravagant production with authentically dressed extras. In 1815 Emperor Napoleon returned from his exile on the Italian island of Elba and quickly regained his power in France. The Allies concentrated their armies in Belgium to face him; the British force under Wellington and the Prussian under Blücher. Napoleon marched quickly; crossed the border with his Northern Army and succeeded in separating the allies. At Waterloo, south of Brussels, the French Emperor engaged the British. However, the Prussian army was on its way.
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