IOTA | FOUR Key changes this week - IOTA 2.0 & Chart Update

We will focus on maximizing the utility, scalability, and economic activity of the IOTA network and the $IOTA token, with Shimmer positioned as a complementary staging network to validate and expedite the technical roadmap of IOTA. After the launch of IOTA 2.0, we will introduce programmability on the IOTA Layer 1 (L1) by integrating general-purpose smart contracts. This will help to maximize the utility of the $IOTA token by increasing the demand for Mana and it will align L2 networks with the IOTA L1 through shared security. We will not further develop and release the Assembly project and the Assembly token. Instead, we will focus our efforts on IOTA Chains, our generalized smart contract framework for anchoring Layer 2 (L2) blockchains on IOTA, and developing L1 smart contracts. IOTA holders that staked for Assembly tokens will get an IOTA token airdrop. We will introduce a new Ecosystem Fund that will help further decentralize the governance of IOTA and support ecosystem gro
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