Old National Anthem Of Nepal | श्रीमान् गम्भिर नेपाली | Tasvir Ma Nepal |

The first Nepali national anthem music was composed by Bakhat Bahadur Budhapirthi in 1899 (grandfather of musician Louis Banks or Dambar Bahadur Budaprithi), and the lyrics were written by Chakrapani Chalise in 1924. It was adopted in 1962, as a homage to the Nepalese Sovereign and the country’s national anthem. श्रीमान् गम्भीर नेपाली प्रचण्ड प्रतापी भूपति श्री ५ सरकार महाराजाधिराजको सदा रहोस् उन्नति राखुन् चिरायु ईशले प्रज&#
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