How to write a prescription

Uncertain about how to write a prescription? No one taught you in medical school? Watch this short animated video on how to write a simple prescription. Based on the Singapore experience. 5 Part of a prescription ’s Particulars 3. Supplementary Information 4. Signature/Date 5. Prescriber’s Particulars Tips to writing a good prescription 1. write legibly 2. avoid abbreviations where possible 3. use generic name of medication unless specifically require proprietary medication 4. avoid unnecessary use of decimals and zeros 5. adequate patient and prescriber identification 6. report all adverse events related to prescribing errors More information can be obtained from the following links: HEALTH PRODUCTS (THERAPEUTIC PRODUCTS) REGULATIONS 2016 (;page=0;query=CompId:ffce8ec4-8f5b-4939-a288-1cfd7ab200ce ValidTime:20170719000000 Transacti
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