[Black MIDI] Synthesia – Soul Eater - Resonance 6 million | Impossible Remix ~ BusiedGem

This MIDI took me forever to edit; apologies for being late! Original Video MIDI on Request: Original Song: Edit: just wanted to let you guys know about the Resonance hard piano solo that BusiedGem made some time ago. I felt it’d be fitting to link it here, just in case you guys want to um... actually play the song on piano and not just on YouTube. :) Ugh, apologies for forgetting to add BusiedGem’s video at the annotation. Please visit his video if you want. He is a small growing channel and your continued support motivates him to make these insane MIDIs. Another great-sounding remix from BusiedGem. A ton of the MIDI’s notes come from the note-art at the end, I know. But nonetheless, I enjoyed the song’s cacaphonic phrases. Please subscribe for more remixes! SoundFont: Z-Doc’s
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