Flying Circus : Hanriot HD.1 and Nieuport 17 GBR (British) In Early Access

The HD.1 was meant to take over from the older Nieuport 11 and 17 planes, but the new Spad 7s were already in use on the front lines and got positive feedback from pilots for their in-line engines. Meanwhile, Nieuport squadrons still used Le Rhone engines. As a result, the French Air Force (Aviation Militaire) decided not to switch to HDs as it wasn’t cost-effective, and the acquisition was canceled. However, the Entente allies found this plane attractive - it was more firm, maneuverable, and slightly better than the Nieuport in general. The Italian Air Force (Aviazione Militaire) had 831 Hanriots by the end of the war while Aeronautique Militaire Belge bought 125 and used them effectively, especially the Belgian aces like Coppens, de Meulemeester, and Olieslagers. When the Nieuport 17 arrived on the battlefield in March 1916, it swiftly replaced the Nieuport 11. By the end of 1916, every squadron in the French Aviation Militaire had Nieuport 17s. Its superiority over any British plane led t
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