Rors of India and Chechens of Russia what is connection?

As you can see among Indians, regardless of ethnicity, there are three main genetic components: Iranian, steppe and Onge. After the Jats, the second ethnic group with the greatest steppe influence are Ror. Some folktales claim that the Ror of Haryana are a branch of the Marathas of Maharashtra, however modern genetic analysis has shown no immediate connection. In fact, according to one estimate, the Ror are genetically closer to Chechens in Russia, than to Marathas. Compare genetic distance. What do Chechens look like? This is a small ethnic group in Russia which makes up 1% of the population. Chechens have a tough temperament - and it took Russia 47 years to concor this region in the 19th century. Compare it took the Russian Army one year to destroy half of Europen armies and enter Paris in the same 19th century. In the 20th century, it took Russia 4 years to reach Berlin and at the end of the 20th century it took almost 10 years to reclaim the Caucasus again.. If you look for photos of Chechens on Google, 99% of them will be Chechens in military uniform or with weapons in their hands. Chechens are not Slavs - but over the last 150 years there has been active mixing with Russians, many mixed marriages.
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