Диалог из сериала для изучения английского языка (Фирменный рецепт / Becker)

Английский язык по диалогам из сериалов (продвинутый уровень, advanced) Американский английский. Очень живая разговорная речь. Действие происходит в кафе. Врач зашел в кафе перед работой, рассказал всем, что по телевизору идет одна ерунда, и ушел на работу. И не забыл высказать свое мнение о людях, которые смотрят телевизор. Найдете много слов для описания среднестатистического шоу, которое вам не нравится. Ключевые слова и фразы используемые в диалоге Key Vocabulary you know a) used to emphasize a statement b) used to make sure that someone understands what you are saying c) used when you want to keep someone’s attention, but cannot think of what to say next d) used when you are explaining or describing something and want to give more information broadcast a broadcast is a programme, performance, or speech on the radio or on television to broadcast a programme means to send it out by radio waves, so that it can be heard on the radio or seen on television apparently according to what seems to be true or what is likely, based on what you know to call on someone in a group is to ask that person to speak keep someone on their toes to “keep someone on their toes” means to keep someone alert, attentive, and ready to respond to a situation. It often implies that the person needs to be prepared for unexpected developments or challenges. For example, a demanding job or a competitive environment can keep someone on their toes. wacky if you describe something or someone as wacky, you mean that they are eccentric, unusual, and often funny three-way involving three people or groups white trash (derogatory, offensive slang) a member of the class of poor Whites, esp. in the southern U.S. Some people use White trash to refer to poor White people who they think are worthless. hard of hearing unable to hear well I tell you (informal, emphasis) to add emphasis to what you are saying ya this term is commonly used as a shortened replacement for the word you Подписывайтесь, ставьте лайки и вливайтесь в обсуждение. Ссылка на плейлист
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