Rock Pop Backing Track D Major | D A Em G | 80 BPM | Guitar Backing Track

Rock Pop backing track in D Major (D) / B Minor (Bm) for guitar or any other instrument (80 BPM). You can use the D Major Pentatonic (Bm Pentatonic) or the D Major Scale / B Minor Scale to improvise on this track. You can practice chords, triads, scales, pentatonic, arpeggios, solos and improvisation with this backing track. ► Chord Progression (D Major): D | A | Em | G --------------------- 1 | 5 | 2 | 4 ► PLEASE LIKE & SUBSCRIBE to support the channel! 🙏 ► If you have any questions or remarks, write them in the comments 🤗 ► Also check out my playlist with ALL my backing tracks: ► All my Mixolydian backing tracks: ► All my Pop Rock backing tracks: ► All my Dorian backing tracks: You can use my Backing Tracks for uploads to YouTube, but you must stick to the following rules: ► Include a link to my original backing track in your video description ► Include a link to my YouTube channel in the title or description of your video. Just type @t-guitar and an auto-complete will appear. Then select my channel (@t-guitar). Note: You may not be able to monetize your video or you may only receive a portion of the revenue. ► For business inquiries or licensing questions, please contact me at this email address: t-guitar@ 🎸 PAYPAL ME A DRINK! 😄🍺🤗👉 Have fun! Copyright 2023 by Tim Thurau. All rights reserved. Chapters: 0:00 Intro 0:35 Verse 1:23 Chorus 2:11 Verse 3:00 Chorus 3:47 Verse 4:34 Chorus 5:23 Outro #backingtrack #jamtrack #guitar #guitarbackingtrack #backingtracks #dmajor #baeolian #bminor #tguitar #tguitarbackingtracks #pentatonicscale #pentatonic #rockstar
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