Borat - The Running of the Jew

A clip from the movie Borat: Cultural learnings of America for make benefit glorious nation of Kazakhstan. No copyright infringement intended, all right’s belong to their respective owners. “The Running of the Jew“ is an ancient Kazakh tradition much like the less entertaining Spanish version (A Cheap copy which uses Bulls due to the glorious Jew Purge) in which Jews would be captured, starved and robbed of most of their precious Jew Gold (Which is usually stolen from innocent Kazakh people to begin with) and then released down certain streets for the public to chase, taunt, injure and make Sexy Time with. Though it is thought that the Running has religious roots, these have long since been forgotten in the name of just having a good time and Kicking some Jews about. The Running of the Jew is a Kazakh tradition considered a great family day out, and the Kazakh Tourist Season opens one day before this occasion, shortly after the closing of Deer Season.
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