KONG - A Mysterious Low-Tech Nano Jungle Tank | Aquascape Tutorial

[Werbevideo] Inspired by the KING KONG movies - here is my ultimate DIY mysterious Low-Tech NANO JUNGLE tank aquascaping tutorial. It’s not a simple but a low tech aquascape. Because of the slow growing bucephalandra and riccardia chamedryfolia moss, it is a easy to maintain aquascape. With this step by step aquascaping tutorial you can build your own KONG jungle tank. For the first weeks i also added some fast growing hornworth and limnobium laevigatum. This is to fight against algae and they add more air to the water. I used a LED light with only 500 lumen at the beginning. After 4 weeks i changed it in an lumen LED. In the first week of the start it’s better to change 50% twice a week. And don’t use fertilizer for the first 4 weeks! Otherwise you will have a massive algae boost. After 14 days you can add some snails and shrimps. They will also help to fight against the algae. You can see the final result after 72 days! USED PLANTS: 🌿Anubias barteri var. nana ’Petite’ (midground plant) 🌿Bucephalan
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