The MOST IMPORTANT Lessons Americans Were Never Taught in School...

An overview of important lessons Americans were never taught in government school or college and seldom taught by others, unless they’re actively seeking this is a compilation video of my older videos partnered with new and relevant clips for added context and understanding. 0:00-09:09 1871, how the Fed & GB Swindled the True USA 09:09-16:43 Everything is Planned @TruthstreamMedia 16:43-33:14 What Christians Aren’t Taught 33:14-34:12 Additional Clips 34:12-45:27 A US NAVY HISTORY EVENT MOST HAVE NEVER HEARD OF 45:27-56:49 The Greatest Betrayal Never Told 56:49-1:09:50 What the Media Won’t Tell You Buy The Deep State Encyclopedia: =sr_1_1?crid=WT3R4PFIIKJJ&keywords=the deep state encyclopedia&qid=1678738239&sprefix=,aps,129&sr=8-1 Buy Deep State Encyclopedia on Kobo: Buy me a Coffee: Please consider supporting my channel on Patreon: Subscribe to my backup channel: Bitchute: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: Gab: Rumble:
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