⚔️ Remove & Block Energy Vampires, Vampirism, Energy Siphoning ⚔️ Powerful Subliminal Clearing

If you want to be free and cleared of energy vampires and add some extra protection. This subliminal energy healing and clearing is designed to remove from your life all vampirism, low vibrational energy vampires and energy siphoning. The energy healing contained in the video clears all external energies as well as internal cracks/loopholes through which these beings might come in, attach/cord and siphon your energy. How I do the energy clearing is by using a series of charts and a pendulum, I connect to Source, then I am directed to the areas that need clearing for you. With this method, all your bodies and levels of being will be cleared of negative programming, blocks, traumas and stored memories. The subliminal affirmations bring in the positive programming, to replace the negative subconscious beliefs that I just cleared. The subconscious mind picks up more easily the subliminal messages in the clearing as they bypass the conscious mind. Please make sure to listen until the end, so you c
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