Fano Amhara terrorists burn unidentified men alive

In this footage obtained from the Facebook, Fano terrorists are observed burning multiple unidentified men which was later indicated to be taken place in Metekel Zone where the Oromos, Gumuz, Qimant, and Agawu people reside. The video was originally posted by a Tigrayan who indicated receiving it via inbox. In the last segment, an Ethiopian military is heard while preaching to his teammates to burn their enemies (Oromo and Tigray forces) alive and eat them like goat meat: #t=5m46s. It appears burning their enemy is an Ethiopian government’s policy. We have in our previous transmission reported a similar gruesome footage where government forces were observed burning the bodies of what appeared to belong to the Oromo Liberation Army: 1. 2. Oromo civilians’ homes were also burned in the past in addition to killing civilians whom the Fano found: https://www.y
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