Final Fatima Prophecy Revealed & It’s The Most Important Thing You Will Ever Hear. For Real.

My Friend is 88 years old. His Girlfriend, who was over 15 years younger than him, passed away from Fast Progressive Alzheimer Illness this Jewish Holiday Rosh Hashanah. Weeks before she died she not only forgot everyone she ever knew but also forgot how to eat and drink. However, a day before she passed away he asked me to drive to see her in the Hospice. To our amazement not only she recognized him but she also knew who I was even though she saw me only half a dozen times in her life, she also asked when her daughter and her grandchildren will come visit her. My friend was very happy to see her mind completely returned to her. However, I knew that she had hours to live because had a girlfriend who was a nurse in Nursing Home for elderly and she explained to me what is Terminal Clarity Syndrome that she witnessed a few times. Terminal Clarity Syndrome is when a terminally ill patient who completely lost his or her mind suddenly regains all the memories and his or her identity a few hours before passing away. From a medical, biological and scientific point of view this is impossible. Their brain is completely destroyed by illness and non functions anymore. Yet nurses around the world reported that it happens again and again. Thousands of times. No one was able to explain it. Scientists even measured brain electromagnetic activity and after flatlining for weeks or months it suddenly was back to normal levels. Again, which is psychically impossible because their brain is nearly completely destroyed. This phenomenon alone is the ultimate proof that our soul is stored not in our brain but somewhere else. And it also proves that all world religions are right when they talk about the immortal soul. This fact is fascinating but I gathered you today to tell you about an even more fascinating fact than your soul’s immorality. I promised you that it will be the most important video you will see in your entire life and I will deliver. It all started with that old man’s simple question. He asked me, “Igor, you know my life I killed my wife.“ Well technically he did not kill his wife of 50 years but he was drinking, cheating, beating her so she jumped from the balcony. So the old man continued, “But you know I have repented since then and become a religious man. Recently I went to the priest and told him about my half century old sin and the priest told me: “That’s why God gave you a long life so you can correct your mistakes of the past and you have corrected them so you deserve a place in heaven.“ Old man continued, “But my Girlfriend who just died was Atheists and never accepted God, never Baptized, therefore even though she was a good woman, according to the scriptures, she will be destined for eternal Hell. If it is the case then I don’t want to go to heaven without her, I better go to Hell.“ I calmed down the old man and told him, “The Bible repeatedly says that everyone will be judged according to their deeds at the last judgment not because they did or did not do some ceremonies. Jesus was not running with a censer with incense or spilling holy water over a gold church altar either.“ However his question raised much deeper problems. You see nearly all world religions say that the soul is something that truly exists and might be recyclable but not destroyed. Not only 6 billion people who follow one or the other religion cannot be flat wrong about it but also we just provided you with a medical proof of soul immortality at the beginning of this video. So religious people would also say, “That because the old man repented and his girl friend even though was not religious but was a good woman they will surely meet in Heaven or at least their souls will be recycled and they will meet when reincarnated.“ Alright. Now I give another example I encountered in my life. I knew another deeply religious woman in Europe and it came as complete shock to her that her 15 years old son was shot dead by cops during the commission of armed robbery. I remember her asking God, “Lord, if you take my soul to heaven but I will never get to see my son again because he is in hell, then heaven will be hell for me.“ Back then I was a little boy myself and did not know the answer. What I will tell you will be very unexpected but it is the only truth. But before I answer, put this video on pause and type in the comments or at least think in your head what do you think about that boy afterlife and then compare it with what I am about to reveal. #igorkryan #fatimaportugal #fatimaprocession #prophecy #thirdfatimaprophecy #antichrist
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