Full ZB! 3x3 Avg FWR Qixian Cao (曹岂娴) | Single, Avg NBWR Xuanyi Geng (耿暄一)

Qixian Cao, FWR avg, Semi Final (), , ( PR), , Xuanyi Geng, NBWR avg, Second round , ( NBWR), (), , NB = Newbie Cube: GAN 12 Maglev Comp: 2023-9-9 Singapore Mini 2023 Both are 6 years old. They learned all ZBLL (including S,AS, , ) and all EOLS (same as ZBLS, ) in less than half a year. Video is authorized by their parents. Reconstructions by Stewy Discord 0:00 Qixian Cao () (54 STM, TPS) F2 U2 L B U2 L2 U’ F’ B R2 U L2 D B2 R2 U2 R2 U’ D2 x z2 // inspection R D’ D’ R U2’ r’ // Yellow cross y’ R U R’ L U2 L’ // 1st pair U’ L’ U U L R’
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