Ukrainian vs. Russian Artillery + US Buying Taiwan’s Hawk Missiles for Ukrainian Air Defense

Update on the conflict in Ukraine for July 17, 2023: - Western analysts are claiming the recent alleged resignation of Russian General Popov reflects Ukrainian artillery superiority amid the ongoing counteroffensive despite the fact that Ukraine is admittedly losing more armor and troops and has failed to make any substantial progress in over a month and a half of intense fighting; - Western analysts admit Russia outguns Ukraine both in terms of artillery pieces and artillery ammunition but claims Ukraine has the “edge” because of its “artillery kill chain” which includes drones and counter-battery radars, technology Russia also has but in greater abundance; - The US is allegedly buying Hawk air defense missiles decommissioned this year by Taiwan. The Hawk air defense systems was developed during the 1960’s and the version Taiwan has on hand was upgrade in the 1980s; - The Hawk missiles serve as a very limited replacement for medium range air defense systems like Ukraine’s Soviet-era Buk systems and will not enable Ukraine to defend against Russian glide bombs along the line of contact; - Before these Hawk missiles reach Ukraine, they will require refurbishment, a time-consuming process limited by a lack of facilities and qualified human resources. Similar limitations are inhibiting further production of newer weapon systems like the man-portable Stinger anti-aircraft missile; - In the wake of Germany’s Leopard 2 main battle tanks failing on the battlefield, an even smaller number of US M1 Abrams are being touted as the next great hope for Ukrainian forces; - In another Washington Post interview with Ukrainian commander General Valery Zaluzhny, he admits that Ukraine doesn’t have the necessary material means to succeed on the battlefield; References: TASS - Kiev lost over 26,000 during its so-called counter-offensive — Russian minister (July 12, 2023): Business Insider - A fired general’s pleas from the front lines reveal Ukraine is bloodying Russian forces in a critical fight (July 15, 2023): The Defense Post - US Army Seeking Lightweight Counter-Mortar Radar for Ukraine (November 2022): Hudson Institute - What the Resignation of General Ivan Popov Tells Us about Russia’s War in Ukraine (July 13, 2023): Forbes - Ukraine Is Winning The Artillery War—By Destroying Four Russian Howitzers for Every Howitzer It Loses (July 11, 2023): Washington Post - Zelensky’s angry tweet on NATO membership nearly backfired (July 13, 2023): Washington Post - To defeat Russia, Ukraine’s top commander pushes to fight on his terms (July 14, 2023): NYT - At a U.S. Army base in Germany, Ukrainian troops are striving to master the powerful M1 Abrams tank: # The Drive - Taiwan’s Retired Hawk SAMs Headed To Ukraine: Report (July 14, 2023): Defense One - Raytheon Calls in Retirees to Help Restart Stinger Missile Production (June 2023): Where to Find My Work: Website: Telegram: Twitter: Odysee (YouTube alternative): @LandDestroyer:8 Rumble (YouTube alternative): Weibo: ไบรอัน แฟนคลับ (Facebook): Line Group: Gab: VK (Facebook alternative): How to Support my Work (and thank you!): Buy Me A Coffee: Patreon: PromptPay: 0851547235 Cryptocurrency Donations: Ethereum (ETH): 0xee6ed93c3adc474450011e9af22939a0b9b312c7 BitCoin (BTC): 1AfGnbmHxA6cy9YKUSxysXvpJPyecpBKrr Monero (XMR): 845TCXx3pchSBXuDL7FHG679gbWD2wkHS6MJxuq7jFVsVFj7T6xsry747uhhGZUdkaRXbbrMfo5c8RnGfzGZ13KxQUdHVLR
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