Änglahund----- Angel Buddy(Angel Dog) by viking cowboy

Hasse Andersson cover Änglahund is a song written by Hasse Andersson, and recorded on his 1982 album with the same name] Song lyrics asks the question if God allows people bringing their dog into Heaven after death. The song has also been recorded with lyrics in English, as Angel Buddy The song was also dealt with during a meeting of bishops, where Christian leaders wondered how a non-religious song about the afterlife could make thousands of people listen, while priests in church had problems getting visitors despite dealing with the same issue Song lyrics reflect a time when dog license was used in Sweden. -------------------------------------------LYRICS---------------------- Änglahund-----Angel Dog Det var sent en kväll, vi hade spelat på en marknad Trött och frusen stod jag kvar bakom scenen en stund När jag hörde någon mumla nåt om saknad Där i gräset satt en man och en liten hund Hej, du spelema
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