Josh Hawley, CIA Whistleblower Exposes Shocking COVID Conspiracy: Did They Lie About the Lab Leak?

website, Explains utilizing established public TV stations to voting on local issues. See This Video - Hawley’s statement about a whistleblower’s allegations that the CIA paid some analysts to change their view on the origin of COVID-19. This is a very controversial and sensitive issue that has implications for public health, national security, and international relations. Hawley said that the whistleblower, who is a senior-level CIA officer, alleges that of the seven members assigned to the CIA team tasked with analyzing COVID-19 origins, six officers concluded that the virus likely originated from a lab in Wuhan, China. However, the CIA allegedly offered financial incentives to six of the experts to change their conclusion in favor of a zoonotic origin, which means that the virus jumped from animals to humans naturally. Good Job! Sen. Josh Hawley Follow Him Here: YouTube: @SenatorJoshHawley Twitte
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