How Diabetes Affect Your Kidney #shorts #kidneyhealth

How Diabetes Affects Your Kidneys - Explained Simply. In today’s video, we’re going to explore a crucial topic: how diabetes can affect your kidneys. We’ll keep things super simple, so even a class five student can understand. By the end of this video, you’ll have a clearer picture of this essential connection. 💕SECRET from FORMER Diabetics: ⤵️ HERE: ALSO: ================================ 👉Mastering Diabetes: 👉Miraculous Turmeric Milk Health Benefits: ................................................................... **Understanding Diabetes**: First, let’s grasp what diabetes is. Diabetes is like a puzzle related to sugar in your body. Sometimes, it makes the sugar levels too high, like a balloon filled with too much air. **Your Kidneys and Their Job**: Now, think of your kidneys as filters. They work hard to clean your blood and remove waste from your body, just like a superhero cleaning up a mess. **The Connection Between Diabetes and Kidneys**: When diabetes is not well controlled, it can put extra stress on your kidneys. It’s like giving them extra work to do. Over time, this can lead to problems. **Kidney Damage**: Diabetes can slowly damage your kidneys. It’s like cracks forming in a superhero’s shield. This damage can affect their ability to do their job properly. **Leaky Kidneys**: Imagine your kidneys like a bucket with tiny holes. Diabetes can make these holes bigger, causing important things like protein to leak out. This is a sign of kidney trouble. **High Blood Pressure**: High blood pressure and diabetes often go hand in hand. When they team up, they can cause even more stress on your kidneys. It’s like two bullies making things tough for a superhero. **Taking Care of Your Kidneys**: But don’t worry, there are ways to take care of your kidneys while managing diabetes. It’s like giving your kidneys a helping hand. **Balanced Blood Sugar**: Keeping your blood sugar balanced is crucial. It’s like giving your kidneys a break from extra work. **Healthy Diet and Hydration**: Eating a healthy diet and drinking plenty of water can help your kidneys stay strong. Think of it as giving them the best tools for their job. **Regular Check-ups**: Just like superheroes need regular check-ups, your kidneys do too. Visiting your healthcare provider can catch kidney issues early and help you manage them. **Support and Education**: Remember, you’re not alone in this journey. There are people and resources to support you, like your healthcare team and diabetes education programs. In conclusion, diabetes can affect your kidneys, but with the right care, you can be a superhero for your kidney health. If you found this video helpful, please like, share, and subscribe for more educational content. Together, we can learn, grow, and take care of our health. Thanks for watching, and keep being a health hero! 🦸‍♂️🌟🩺💪 ✅FOLLOW US ON: ⤵️ Facebook Fan Page: 👉 Facebook Group: 👉 Instagram: 👉 TikTok: 👉 🌍Disclaimer: The information on “Cure Me“ is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Consult a healthcare provider before making any health-related decisions. The channel does not endorse any specific treatments, opinions, or practices. Use content at your own risk. #kidneycaretips #diabetesmanagement #diabetesawareness #viralvideo #viralshorts
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