Memory Improvement Trick | Boost Your Memory | Memorize Things Fast | Dr. Hansaji

Explore two powerful techniques for improving memory recall and retention, including fostering genuine interest and attention, and utilizing the practice of spaced repetition through writing and revisiting important information regularly. Fostering Genuine Interest and Attention: Engage with tasks, learning, and experiences with genuine curiosity and enthusiasm. Emotional involvement enhances memory formation by releasing neurotransmitters like dopamine, associated with reward and motivation. Psychology principles affirm that emotional engagement enhances memory formation, emphasizing the importance of genuine interest and attention in memory recall. Practice of Spaced Repetition through Writing and Revisiting: Utilize spaced repetition, a learning technique involving revisiting material at intervals to strengthen memory recall. Writing down important information and revisiting it regularly signals to the brain the significance of the information, leading to more robust memory retention.
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