We Die Together — Krieg Korps Anthem

#warhammer40000 #warhammer40k #krieg Ever since “Glory in Death“ started gathering comments a lot of people recommended me to write a song about the universe of Warhammer 40k. Personaly, I am a huge fan, so of course I was going to make a song about Warhammer 40k. But I couldn’t chose which chapter/race should I sing about. I feel a deep intelligent and emotional connection to the glorious faction of Orks, because daka-daka, choppa-choppa. And Spacemarines. And Grey Knights. But one of the comments suggested me making a song about... Krieg Korps. Hell yeah. These people are metal af, are afraid of nothing and always put their lives on the line. So I decided that my first “serious“ song about Warhammer 40k is going to be about Krieg (Boltgun doesn’t count, it just was a very good boomer-shooter). I tried to encapture this... Fearlessness that Krieg people have, the desire to die for the right cause. I hope I did them justice :D I also stole some of the
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