The world’s first high-speed magnetic levitation train officially opened this year

China’s rapid development in science and technology has led to the global expansion of Chinese-made projects, particularly in the high-speed railway industry. China is unparalleled in high-speed railway technology and holds the world’s highest total mileage. With advancements in technology, China has also developed magnetic levitation high-speed railway technology. Experts believe that the US would struggle to catch up with China’s high-speed railway technology even with ten years of effort. China’s magnetic levitation high-speed railway has reached speeds of 600 kilometers per hour, twice as fast as conventional high-speed trains. The introduction of the world’s first high-temperature superconducting high-speed magnetic levitation train showcases China’s peak performance in this field. Japan, previously a leader in high-speed rail, acknowledges China’s technological superiority. The magnetic levitation train relies on electromagnetic forces and superconductors to achieve high speeds. The use of high-temperature superconducting materials significantly reduces weight and eliminates heat loss issues. By minimizing friction through levitation, the maglev train can easily exceed speeds of 600 kilometers per hour. The lack of contact between wheels and tracks further reduces friction, allowing the train to glide smoothly.
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