We wrote a song called Julia. Listen to it now 🎬Like, subscribe, make it viral🙋🏼‍♀️

Мы тут сочинили и пока что решили /хоть и сыро/ но записать для YouTube 🫶надеемся на вашу поддержку 🙋🏼‍♀️песня называется Julia. Но на нее ложится много имен! Это мне очень нравится) перевод песни ниже 👇🏼 Julia Julia Julia my sweet Julia Listen to the story I Will tell to ya Long ago I met a pretty girl With face of sunshine spots Just like yours she got “Chasity or may be Jessica” I tried to guess her name Full day yeah ———————— In few days and almost with no doubts With ring of Tiffany Merry me Snowwhite dress and cozy April time Only two old friends I am hers, she is mine Three more years, and thousands sweetest nights She gave me all the best I could earn or buy —————— Julia your face with sunshine spots And golden beauty hair I like touch a lot. /From her you got / Rainy day, I hear loud baby cries You only saw her at last
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