Israeli PM is under pressure to discuss the day after the Gaza war

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has compared the deaths of Israelis on October 7 to the deaths of Israelis in the period from 1993 and the Oslo Accords until now. That angered a lot of people within Israel. The Israeli Prime Minister is now clarifying his statements because he’s under a lot of pressure to talk about the day after the Gaza war, particularly from the Americans. Now the Americans have actually been very clear. They want a revitalised Palestinian Authority to take over when the shooting stops and the time is right. However, PM Netanyahu is under a tremendous amount of pressure domestically. He has a hard right he needs to appease, so he’s not talking about a Palestinian Authority. He’s not even talking about any type of PA governance within the Gaza Strip itself. He doesn’t want that to happen. He sees Oslo as being a failure and giving rise to the power of Hamas. One can debate whether Oslo failed due to Israelis or Palestinians. Nonetheless
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