Israeli troops clash with Palestinian protesters after teenager killed

(13 Dec 2012) 1. Close of Israeli soldier shooting 2. Wide of injured teenager being carried to ambulance, zoom into ambulance, AUDIO: sirens 3. Palestinian protester throwing stones 4. Israeli soldier shooting tear gas 5. Pan from ambulance passing to soldier pointing weapon 6. Palestinian family passing by Israeli soldiers 7. Israeli soldiers standing nearby with weapons 8. Wide of Palestinians throwing stones and running away 9. Wide of ambulances at scene 10. Wide of Israeli military jeeps and soldiers in street 11. Soldiers walking towards protesters throwing stones 12. Wide of teenagers throwing stones, tear gas in air 13. Wide of soldiers in street 14. Wide of teenagers in street, tear gas in air 15. Various of burning tyres 16. Man selling bread 17. Wide of market 18. Palestinian police officers in street 19. Wide of street 20. Wide of skyline STORYLINE: Dozens of Palestinians clashed with Israeli soldiers in the West Bank city of Hebron on Thursday. The protesters threw stones and bottles at the Israeli forces, who responded with tear gas. There are no immediate reports of serious injuries. Thursday’s clashes came a day after a Palestinian teenager was shot dead by Israeli forces in the city, near the Cave of the Patriarchs, a holy site revered by Jews and Muslims. Tensions have been heightened since Wednesday’s shooting. Israel’s paramilitary border police force said it shot the 17-year-old after he brandished a gun that later turned out to be fake. But the Palestinians claimed the youth was unarmed, and had failed to heed orders to halt at a military checkpoint because he was hard of hearing. Find out more about AP Archive: Twitter: Facebook: ​​ Instagram: You can license this story through AP Archive:
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