Do This and Be This—Simple Daily Spiritual Practice

On this day, Moojibaba records an audio guidance first thing in the morning, and shares it with a few members of the sangha. During lunchtime, Moojibaba joins the sangha in the dining area and shares this guidance: to begin the day with a 15-minute sitting to help stabilise attention in the space of presence. This exercise complements the “Just Be” guidance that the sangha has been focusing on, providing a deeper understanding of this sitting. If you are new to this guidance, you can find more videos that go to the heart of this exercise here: Monte Sahaja, Portugal 10 March 2024 ~ This is an excerpt from the Satsang “This Exercise Prepares You for Non-Dual Realisation”, available on Sahaja Express: Sahaja Express is a powerful self-realisation support for earnest and dedicated seekers of Truth. This doorway into
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